Kitmart Dundee Stars defenseman, Kris Inglis has nearly completed his road to recovery and expects the team to bounce-back from Sunday’s loss.

By Kris Smith

The Stars travel to face Glasgow Clan on Saturday night and they got the better of the Braehead outfit last Friday in a 6-3 victory.

However, that good feeling was blown away by Manchester Storm as they claimed a 3-0 victory at home against the Stars on Sunday.

Although, Inglis has not seen any action since the end of November and the injury time out has been hard for the Dundonian.

He explained: “It’s been really tough.

“The mental battle of staying positive is that hardest part when you’re not in the line-up.

“It was the second time within a year that I broke my wrist in the same place, so there has been a lot of doubt in my head over the last two months as to whether or not I’ll make a return this season.

“Thankfully I’ve had some good news this week and things are looking good.”

It is always hard to watch your team play and not be able to be involved and he also experienced this feeling during his recovery.

Kris added: “It’s tough watching the boys battle every game knowing you can’t play your part.

“This season for myself certainly hasn’t gone the way I’d hoped but the boys have turned things around in recent weeks and are back in the mix for that playoff spot.”

This week saw Inglis return to the ice, as he steps up his recovery efforts and begins to get back into game condition.

Wondering if he can get back to where he was before, he said: “I personally feel like I started off the season pretty strong and was having some good performances.

“It’s obviously tough when you are out for a couple of months to get everything back to where they were before my injury but I’ve been working hard these past couple weeks.

“Hopefully I can quickly get back to where I was to help the boy’s get over the finish line and secure that all important playoff spot.”

Because of his injury, the 21-year-old has had a chance to learn some invaluable experience from behind the bench and after watching the team from his new view over the past two months, Inglis expects that they can bounce-back from the last match.

“I’m very confident, little mistakes have been addressed this week and hopefully if we bare down on those and continue this good week of practice then I’m sure it’ll be a great game on Saturday”, he said.

Also, with the race for the playoff spots really hotting up, the former Baldragon Academy pupil added: “I feel it is bringing the best out of us recently.

“We know from now to the end of this season it’s going to be a tight race and could potentially come down to the wire.

“We have to realise every game is a must win from here to try and secure that spot as soon as possible.

“With that said, with the group we have and seeing how much passion every guy has for the sport and the club I’m sure we will be right where we want to be in a couple months.”

As Saturday’s trip to Glasgow is the Stars only fixture of the weekend, the next time you can see the team live at the Dundee Ice Arena is on Sunday, February 9 as Dundee welcome Guildford Flames to town.

Face-off is at 5pm and you can buy your tickets HERE.

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Trade-Mart Dundee Stars Team
47 Games
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